Articles on: General Questions/Inquiries

FundYourFX & Funded-Trading Partnership (Sharing Data)

At FundYourFX, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality service possible. One of the ways we do this is by forming marketing partnerships with other companies in our industry.

FundYourFX has recently entered into a marketing cooperation with the Independent Prop Trading Community As a result of this cooperation, we may share the information we gather with our partners and affiliates in order to provide you with our services. This is fully disclosed in our Terms and Conditions.

We want to assure you that we do not sell any data. We use this information solely for the purpose of providing better service and offers to our customers. We understand that some users may have concerns about their data being sold, and we want to assure you that we take data privacy very seriously. We've put in place strict data protection measures to keep your information safe and secure.

Please note that we have recently been approached by ForexPropReviews, who have threatened to publish negative information about us if we do not end our cooperation with and shut down their website. We want to assure our customers that we will not be swayed by these threats and that our partnership with FundedTrading is in the best interest of our customers.

If you have any further concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We are always happy to help.

Updated on: 09/05/2024

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